Can you determine which dog breed is which? Test your knowledge of the Sighthound breeds by taking this fun quiz! 1: Guess the breed... Borzoi Irish Wolfhound Azawakh Galgo 2: Guess the breed... Whippet Chart Polski Italian Greyhound Greyhound 3: Guess the breed... Deerhound Saluki Galgo Borzoi 4: Guess the breed... Magyar Agar Whippet Sloughi Greyhound 5: Guess the breed... Afghan Hound Galgo Saluki Borzoi 6: Guess the breed... Azawakh Saluki Podenco Chart Polski 7: Guess the breed... Sloughi Greyhound Whippet Afghan Hound 8: Guess the breed... Afghan Hound Sloughi Saluki Borzoi Continue Continue Share your result via Facebook